Colours, forms, materials, scents. Punctuality, respect, humility, tension, nervousness. This is what I was born into.
On my way home from the school I went into my father’s, László Schlultze sen. Ftm.’s lab every day. Here the smell of gypsum, metal and acrylate mixed in a fantastic way. What I saw was inexplorable miracle in itself.
I became a dental technician apprentice due to this in my elder brother’s, László Schultze Ftm.’s lab between 1982 and 1984. (This was my childhood’s “wonder-lab” on Almássy Square.)
I passed the vocational examination in 1984.
I became master dental technician in 1987.
Until my children were born I had mainly prepared metal jobs, but if needed, I had prepared anything that had been required. After my two sons and one daughter grew up I returned to the profession. Preparing ceramic copings has been my main task since that time. The point of my work is to make it unnoticeable for patients that anything has been prepared in their mouth. I strive to meet these expectations day by day. Beautiful job. Beautiful indeed.